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independent, interoperable, autonomous

TANAAKK is continuously building universal innovation model that will be best practice next 30 years.


Nature is the ultimate standard for all life. We run business to learn nature; life, human, earth, universe. We can’t live in fiction. We should feel the fact. We can’t avoid reality and should compete with nature. Business is the metaphors of nature. Feel ever-changing-now as babies communicate with the world.


Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.
The enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of health is one of the fundamental rights of every human being without distinction of race, religion, political belief, economic or social condition.
The health of all peoples is fundamental to the attainment of peace and security and is dependent on the fullest co-operation of individuals and States.
The achievement of any State in the promotion and protection of health is of value to all.
Unequal development in different countries in the promotion of health and control of diseases, especially communicable disease, is a common danger.
Healthy development of the child is of basic importance; the ability to live harmoniously in a changing total environment is essential to such development.
The extension to all peoples of the benefits of medical, psychological and related knowledge is essential to the fullest attainment of health.
Informed opinion and active co-operation on the part of the public are of the utmost importance in the improvement of the health of the people.
Governments have a responsibility for the health of their peoples which can be fulfilled only by the provision of adequate health and social measures.
-Constitution of the World Health Organization: Principles
Big purpose,Social connection,inner growth will do good for CTRA: our DNA system.


Business is about redefining relationship. Redefine the relationship between me and my father, mother, grandfather, grandmother, husband, wife, son, daughter, other families, friends, colleagues, other people, race, tribes, and other animals, plants, minerals, lands, seas, sky, planet, universe. Maintenance every relationship into healthy and sustainable and social state.It will solve the loneliness history of mankind locally and globally.
Do not control others,  but just move yourself into right timing, coordinate, orbit, environment. Everything has the timing. Feel, smell, taste the nuance of the sound of multiple languages, get the implicit message through financial statements. Feel the sense of distance between others and adjust that appropriately through firms, contracts, and financial structure.

4.Gravity in real world:VALUE

If there is good business, it means there is constant Economic Value Added in their business process. The time with no value added means it’s waste of the time.
Time, Talent, Energy, Money, Raw Materials…every resource is limited. The long term increasing value is agreeable standard and guideline for every stakeholder. The value is gravity in economic field. Controlling value looks like the magic of controlling the future.

5.Golden rule of value creation

Rule No.1: never lose value
Rule No.2: do not forget Rule No.1
Your goal as an investor should simply be to purchase, at a rational price, a part interest in an easily-understandable business whose earnings are virtually certain to be materially higher five, ten, twenty years from now. -Warren Buffett

6.Intrinsic value > Price

“intrinsic value” is actual value of the business ecosystem.
It is not equals to market value or stock price. Detect intrinsic value by research and analysis into intangible asset : human capital, intellectual capital, network capital, business ecosystem, market brand recognition, leadership team, distribution chain, look-through earnings and so on.  Look into book value per share, net income per share, free cash flow per share ( or per head) in consecutive years.

7.Brand, design, engineering

Brand is not about design. It’s about how to accumulate Value. Design is not about its looks but how it works and be consumed. 
Design is a specification of an object, manifested by  an agent, intended to accomplish goals, in a particular environment, using a set of primitive components, satisfying a set of requirements, subject to constraints.-A proposal for a formal definition of the design concept, Paul Ralph and Yair Wand
Design has magical power that moves people. Focused and sophisticated design might look as if it has life and spirit. That kind of design which is similar to human, animal, mineral, insect, plant, planet will move one’s heart. Redesign old into new classics.
Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication. -Leonardo da Vinci
Why design attract us? That’s because it is the decision making for trade-off. Brand Engineering is the question about priority. Query for what you love and what you do not love.


Being rich equals to independence and potential.
Charlie Munger. “Like Warren, I had a considerable passion to get rich, not because I wanted Ferraris – I wanted the independence.
Most of our managers are independently wealthy, and it’s therefore up to us to create a climate that encourages them to
choose working with Berkshire over golfing or fishing. This leaves us needing to treat them fairly and in the manner that we would
wish to be treated if our positions were reversed.-WarrenBuffet BerkshireHathawayAnnualReport

9.Uniqueness, competitive, dominance

Think different. Have unique idea and believe in that original perspective. Uniqueness makes you competitive and leads you to market dominance. But this uniqueness outcome is restricted by independent financial structure.


Financial incentive structure is the magic that control motivation of stakeholders. If CEO has no ownership, then the project go wrong way.

11.Leadership team

Don’t hire the people just to fit the first job they will do. Hire people you want to share your life with. Look for people who have lots of great questions. Great questions are a much better indicator of future success than great answers.
Purpose-inspired leadership, marketing, innovation. Open, positive and creative atmosphere.
“We look for three things when we hire people. We look for intelligence, we look for initiative or energy, and we look for integrity. And if they don’t have the latter, the first two will kill you, because if you’re going to get someone without integrity, you want them lazy and dumb. I mean, you don’t want a spark of energy out of them. So it’s that third quality. But everything about that quality is your choice.” -Warren BuffettInvesting in a company simply based on its leadership sometimes might not be the best strategy.“the business model is good enough even with poor talent”, one should instead invest in a business that any fool can run.

12.CEO’s job

First Culture, Second Purpose, Third Product(or Service)
A CEO’s first job is to build a great product and find a small group of people who love it and use it enthusiastically, which inspire people and in future accumulate big crowd.-Andressen Horowitz

Has a CEO created at least a dollar of value for every dollar of retained earnings over the course of his tenure?-Warren Buffett

13.Free time

 “When I’m at my best, 50% of my time is unscheduled. That’s the time I use to think, drop in on the people I want to speak with, and let my curiosity roam. It’s my time to be creative. Without this free time, I would never be able to stay ahead of the company.” -Steve Jobs 
“To lead a company, you’ve always got to be two steps ahead. There’s no way to lead a company from behind.”-Ali Rowghani CEO of Ycombinater
Warren said ” Yeah, you have to be good at saying no. And picking the things that really makes a difference.” That’s one of many things I’ve learned from Warren. That’s my favorite. So I can blame it on him when I’m turning things down-Bill Gates

14. Delegation

Three Tasks That CEOs Can’t Delegate
1.Hiring a Leadership Team and Making Sure They Work Well Together
2.Creating Purpose and Alignment
3.Nurturing Company Culture


Once in a 100 wave, there is 1.5 times bigger one. Once in a 1000 wave, there is 2 times bigger one. You should have the “sense of wave” into business. Everything goes up and down and has its end. Dive in to volatility. History tells there was a flow of all kind of power. Find the cue or trigger of perfect overturn of the culture. The rise and fall of Emperor, Citizenship, Technology gives you inspiration of how the society works.

16.Have Finland plan

Before you start small business. You should answer how to beat Apple, Google, Microsoft, Amazon, Facebook, BerkshireHathaway or other big companies.


Human being has instinct to help others.  If there is inequality, promote equal opportunity.
Humanity’s greatest advances are not in its discoveries, but in how those discoveries are applied to reduce inequity. Whether through democracy, strong public education, quality health care, or broad economic opportunity, reducing inequity is the highest human achievement.-BillGates
Opportunity lies in the place where the complaints are. World should focus more on small businesses, young people.-JackMa


Society have unequality, but the chance should be allocated equally.
Article 25. All people shall have the right to maintain the minimum standards of wholesome and cultured living.-The Constitution of Japan November 3, 1946


If you start business, think withdrawal at the same time. “ἐγγύα πάρα δ᾽ ἄτη”(Make a pledge and mischief is nigh.)
The ship direction speed cannot be more than wind direction. There is Sargasso Sea that all directional power circles.

20.Risk vs Return

If there is risk, understand risk, hedge risk, manage risk. Take the risk only when you can control that.

21.Understandable business

If there is well aligned culture, founders ownership, business strategy, product ,service, process, platform, ecosystem, then it looks simple and well designed. Consistency and integrity means it is easy to understand.

22.Research better than anyone else

We move by inspiration and instinct but it always go wrong. We are totally fool. Therefore, research, research,research anything and adjust everything we can.

23.listen, listen, listen

listen to the users, listen to the customers, listen to the business partners, listen to your colleague listen to other professionals. listen to the fabrics, materials, animals, air, sea, and most important, listen to yourself. There will be implicit message. EXPLORE our PURPOSE.

24.test, test, test

test test test and modify modify modify your product and service. Inspiration is the key.We all have decision making bias. Nothing goes well for the first time. The only solution is do research and go to customer, try and error rapidly and endlessly like the movement of the sun and the moon. Select the best customer for you.


Startup is similar to R&D.  It is like fundamental research or thesis writing. Hypothesis testing, technology research, user tests are essential. No ads, nor PRs are needed for start-ups. Startups sholud ride on the shoulders of giants. Start-up should have all the plan to create international city and country.

26. Guideline, standards

Guideline, standards like measurement, temperature, distance is essential for rapid and smooth  communication. “Public” means it is well  communicated. The point for innovation is to make much broader ecosystem and virtual guidelines that work better than historical one.


Follow the laws of Anti-trust,  Anti-bribery, international trade laws. Avoid Conflicts of Interest. When you are in a situation in which competing loyalties could cause you to pursue a personal benefit for you, your friends, or your family at the expense of us or our clients, you may be faced with a conflict of interest. All of us should avoid conflicts of interest and circumstances that reasonably present the appearance of a conflict.

Outsider Test

CEO’s job is to create short term book value and earnings growth, as well as long term as compared to peer group. Warren Buffett has proposed a simple test of capital allocation ability: has a CEO created at least a dollar of value for every dollar of retained earnings over the course of his tenure?

1.Asset allocation

The allocation process should be CEO led, not delegated to finance or business development personnel.

2.Hurdle rate

Start by determining the hurdle rate – the minimum acceptable return for investment projects(one of the most important decisions any CEO makes). Hurdle rates should be determined in reference to the set of opportunities available to the company, and should generally exceed the blended cost of equity and debt capital(usually in the mid teens or higher)

3.Return analysis

Calculate returns for all internal and external investment alternatives, and rank them by return and risk(calculations do not need to be perfectly precise). Use conservative assumptions. Projects with higher risk(such as acquisitions) should require higher returns. Be very wary of the adjective strategic- it is often corporate code for low returns.


Calculate the return for stock repurchases. Require that acquisition returns meaningfully exceed this benchmark. while stock buybacks were a significant source of value creation for these outsider CEOs, they are not a panacea. Repurchases can also destroy value if they are made at exorbitant prices.

5.After-tax return

Focus on after-tax returns, and run all transactions by tax counsel.

6.Cash and debt ratio

Determine acceptable, conservative cash and debt levels, and run the company to stay within them.


Consider a decentralized organizational model.(What is the ratio of people at corporate headquarters to total employees- how does this compare to your peer group?)

8.Retained earnings

Retain capital in the business only if you have confidence you can generate returns over time that are above your hurdle rate


If you do not have potential high-return investment projects, consider paying a dividend. Be aware, however, that dividend decisions can be hard to reverse and that dividends can be tax inefficient.


When prices are extremely high, it’s OK to consider selling businesses or stock. It’s also OK to close under-performing business units if they are no longer capable of generating acceptable returns.

Words of Wisdom
complex adaptive systems
ocean current
durable competitive advantage
one dollar test
look through earnings
off-balance-sheet assets/debts
circle of competence
margin of safety
free cash flow
cash conversion cycle
habit is a second nature
the do-nothing rationale
sunk cost / opportunity cost
theory of constraints
1-hour-per-week control
Большому кораблю, большое плавание(大きな船には大きな航海)


Q for Value accumulation
Three Cs for investment

※We should revise this policy every year if needed.
Ver.1.0 2017/11/29
Ver.2.0 2018/5/19
Ver.3.0 2019/4/17
Ver.3.1 2019/7/31
Ver.3.2 2019/8/8
Ver.3.3 2019/11/30
Ver.3.4 2019/12/13
Ver.4.0 2020/2/27
Ver.4.1 2020/3/23
Ver.4.2 2020/4/4
Ver.4.3 2020/5/15
Ver.5.0 2021/4/13
Ver.5.1 2021/5/3
Ver.6.0 2022/7/18
Ver.7.0 2023/7/15
Ver.7.1 2024/1/2 Change hierarchy
Ver.7.2 2024/1/18 Principle to Principles 経営指針、経営原則から、経営公理へ変更
Ver.8.0 2024/10/16 added Three Cs