Growth-as-a-Service™︎| empowering industrial game changers


Here is job level and salary range of TANAAKK GROUP. TANAAKK renumenation is directory related to position, leadership and commitment that deliver value to the globe.

Level 10

>US$100,000 per month
Chairman, Chief Executive Officer of selected group companies.

Level 9

US$50,000-100,000 per month
Board Members of selected group companies

Level 8

US$20,000-50,000 per month
Group Director
Group Subsidiary Senior Executive
Company Division General Manager

Level 7

US$10,000-20,000 per month
Customer facing Account Executive/Project Manager

Level 6

US$5000-$10,000 per month
Offshore Project Portfolio Manager having 30 + teams

Level 5

US$3500-5000 per month
Cloud Project Management Office facing customer

Level 4

US$2500-3500 per month
Cloud Project team leader

Level 3

US$1200-2500 per month
Cloud Project team associate

Level 2

US$600-1200 per month
middle class administration staff

Level 1

US$200-600 per month
General staff in developing countries
Junior programmer