Growth-as-a-Service™︎| empowering industrial game changers

How wealth and nation penetrates the world

Natural resource, science and technolgy, currency power makes the nation competitive in global society. Dominating nation is changing in centuries. Also dominating company is changing in decades.  TANAAKK carefully review centries of super nations rise and fall to predict what economy system will come after decades.
There is uncertainty in the world but we can better understand and handle that time travel by wisdom of human history.

Jul 10th 2023

Shoichiro Tanaka

Disruptive Innovation

May 1st 2020

In recent years, low cost device, submarine cable and WAN, so called “Cloud computing” changed every cost structure in information technology. The free computing resource and low cost device made OSS community for coding and hacking. Attacker or even non engineer can access the brightest skills and knowledge. That changed how we learn. As I brought CYBERGYM from Israel to Japan, the top talent can knowlege-transfer world’s leading ethical hacking and incident response in a year. ImmuniWeb, AI PTaaS that I brought from Switzerland to Japan. That solution is 10 times cheaper than other offerings in Japan three years ago and we have got 300 new customers in three years.
That change was accepted as scaptical and strange by anybody 3 years ago but gradually my challenge in Asia penetrates market.

Shoichiro Tanaka

Big Dream, Small Luggage

 世界のGDPは1970年にUSD 2.9Tn(約1,044兆円 $1=¥360)でした。2020年の世界のGDPはUSD84.7Tn(約9,317兆円 $1=¥110)となり、50年間でドルベースでは29.2倍に、年率6.98%のCAGRで成長しました。全世界の運用資産(AUM)は2016年の84.9兆ドル(8490兆円)から2025年の145.4兆ドル(1京4540兆円)まで10年間で1.71倍に増加しています。





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